I’m planning on being away for the year and with this in mind, comes an increased need for preparation. It almost feels as if I’m moving house. As a result, I’m taking a more prepared approach to my packing this year. I’ll be sticking to my minimalist packing method but with the necessary addition of a few pairs of running shoes.

Things I need to account for as I aim to embark around the world for another 9 months.

  • Will I be spending any time in colder climates? (I hope not.)
  • Shoes for the Bali-Hope Ultra Marathon.
  • Preparation for the Siargao Session, Rad Livin Speech and Philippines community visits.
  • Nutrition and gear for the race.
  • Travel Insurance.
  • Signing books


Work Capacity


This week was a big week of training, I pushed out over 100kms on the legs. Each year I have ‘themes’ which incorporate my goal setting and other life objectives, this year the theme is work capacity.  Aligned with the title of this weekly ‘building foundations’, it is essential that to increase my work capacity that I have solid foundations underneath me.

If you’re wondering what work capacity means, I’ll do my best to explain it. The idea isn’t mine, I found it from a book written by Ross Edgley. I won’t elaborate on how impressive Ross is, but if you have time you should look into some of his endeavors, achievements, and expeditions.

Ross defines Work Capacity as:

Work Capacity can be defined as the total amount of “work” (training) the body can perform and then positively recover and adapt too. If you have a higher work capacity EVERY fitness goal becomes easier and attainable.

Why? Because your body can tolerate this “stress” and “stimuli”.

Ross purely relates work capacity to fitness but I believe it can be transferred into other areas of life, in my case, writing, blogging, and photography. To get better at any skill, we have to do more of it, the more hours we do, the better we get. It’s very simple in theory because as we get better, smarter and stronger we develop the capacity to do more work. As you improve, the more you are going to enjoy what you do. Alas, I’m trying to concrete my foundations and increase my work capacity across the board. However, more work doesn’t always equate to better work. Creating efficient systems and learning to limit distractions is one of the substreams that result in increasing work capacity.

A lot of people have been asking me what I’ve been up to whilst at home, and my most common response is ‘training’. Right now, I have been very happy to focus on my running and build the best base I can whilst living in a ‘comfortable’ environment. With the beach nearby, great food and everything I could need at my fingertips, it is a perfect time to get as fit as I can. Sometimes overseas it can be a little difficult, and I know this may be the case when we go sailing or whilst I’m working on jobs overseas.

Highlights of my week:
– Thursday morning exploratory long run through the forests of Adelaide.
– February 17th, Porch Sessions with Riley Pearce. Listening to new music and making new friends.

I hope you’re having a great week & working towards something big!

Big Love,


“Foundational work is a slow and long road, but it paves a colorful path worth walking on.” – Josh Lynott


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